
It Is Time to Normalize Men Have Feelings

Blog It is time to normalize men have feelings Author: Dr. Julie. Sorenson, DMFT, MA, LPC Warning: this article discusses suicide. If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide, call the 24 hotline 988 or proceed to the nearest emergency room. If the topic of suicide is a trigger for you, do…
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It’s Time to Start Thinking About Summer Camp

Blog It’s time to start thinking about Summer Camp Author: Dr. Julie. Sorenson, DMFT, MA, LPC School will be out of session in just a few short months, and children of all ages will be on their way to summer camp. Many great childhood memories stem from summer camp. It is a great way to…
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Struggling with Imposter Syndrome?

Blog Struggling with Imposter Syndrome? Author: Dr. Julie. Sorenson, DMFT, MA, LPC Many professionals struggle with Imposter syndrome. They believe they don’t deserve their position or achievements. They may feel inadequate or not equipped to handle their title, which others hold in high regard. Imposter syndrome is not an official diagnosis, but oftentimes, people who…
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Has Cabin Fever Got You Down?

Blog Has Cabin Fever got you down or Are You Experiencing Seasonal Affective Disorder? Tips on how to help you cope when you are struggling. Author: Dr. Julie. Sorenson, DMFT, MA, LPC The winter blues could be a sign of cabin fever or potentially seasonal affective disorder, or SAD. Cabin fever, by definition, is a…
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Bullying in Schools

Blog Bullying in Schools The Impact it has on Mental Health Author: Dr. Julie. Sorenson, DMFT, MA, LPC Bullying has been around for decades. However, the way children treat each other is getting worse. The impact of the children who are bullied can be very damaging to their mental health. Many schools are implementing programs…
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Holidays Don’t Always Feel Warm and Fuzzy!

Blog Holiday’s don’t always feel warm and fuzzy! Author: Dr. Julie. Sorenson, DMFT, MA, LPC You aren’t alone if you feel stress, anxiety, or depression around the holiday season. What is the first thing you think about during the holidays? Some people think about parties, family/ friend celebrations, holiday décor, holiday lights, holiday scents, traditions,…
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The Art of Giving and Receiving Gifts

Blog The Art of Giving and Receiving Gifts Author: Dr. Julie. Sorenson, DMFT, MA, LPC The holidays are approaching, and no matter what holiday you celebrate, there may be an opportunity for gift-giving connected to that holiday. Some people have an easier time than others regarding gift-giving or receiving, and it could be related to…
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The Rearview Mirror is Behind You

Blog The Rearview Mirror is Behind You Author: Dr. Julie. Sorenson, DMFT, MA, LPC And You Aren’t Going That Way! The rearview mirror is small, and the front window is significant for a reason. The past is the past. It may have helped you become who you are today, but you aren’t that person. You…
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